Saturday 25 January 2014

Xmas flashbacks>>> triffle and some fun

SOuLo'Nista's simple meals
So I've decided to randomly share some simple meals that I make on the blog. First up is the trifle that I made for Christmas lunch, which I prefer calling family day really. I made trifle, the easiest dessert to make, well besides dishing ice- cream and custard, kwaaks. Many people know the obvious ingredients to the dessert but do not know the order to place them so it can produce a firm look and what are the extra ingredients to make it more delicious. My family really enjoyed, to the point where it run out, not everyone got seconds, sob. 




Tennis biscuits (crushed)
Canned fruit (without the syrup)
Cream (slightly whipped)
Cadbury mint crisp chocolate (grated)
Caramel sauce (condensed milk)/Canned Caramel
First choice vanilla velvet dairy dessert
Extra ingredients for decorations, for example: shortbread, strawberries and/or mint leaves. It can be anything.
Step 1: Crush the tennis biscuits using a plastic cup then place the crumbed biscuits as a layer in the bowl
Step 2: Drain the syrup from the canned fruit and place the fruit as the next layer

Step 3: Make a third layer of custard
Step 4: Make a layer of  the vanilla velvet dairy dessert
Step 5:Blend in the caramel with the cream until fine
Step 6: Make a layer of this mix (caramel and cream)
Step 7: Grate the mint crisp chocolate
Step 8: Sprinkle the grated chocolate on top and make sure it is everywhere
Step 9: add extra ingredients for decoration
In my case I cut chocolate dipped shortcakes from woolies and place them around.
I also cut strawberries in half  and placed them and lastly added mint leaves to bring out more color, and walllla done.
 You can do the layer in the same order again for a thicker and more tasty trifle.
Place in the fridge over-night

Little fun




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