Saturday 25 January 2014

SOuLo'Nista's simple meals


Awkward and not so appetizing right???  but beans from scratch isn't that dish that people know how to make taste good.
Soak the beans for like 2 hours before cooking.
So what you do is that you boil the beans half way, I would give you a fixed time but  it ranges all the time. (Perhaps and hour and a half.)
Then you can finely chop an onion or half depending on the quantity of beans you making and add some crushed garlic, garlic brings an awesome taste.
Allow that to boil together for some time, and keep on checking the water so that the beans do not burn and so they can boil well.
Dice potatoes and throw them inside, enough for the quantity
Shortly after, grate carrot and then add salt and allow it to simmer in.
Maybe after 20 minutes add a cube of beef stock, break it and disperse accordingly in the beans.
Throw in some spring onion, just chop a little and put it inside for a stronger taste.
Then you can add black pepper, garlic salt spice and parsley.
Taste for taste lol.

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