Monday 27 January 2014

BaSeball caPs!!!>>> New trend in the hizooo

And no, lies I tell not,,, last year after exams I was so motivated to sketch and try out designs for my label that I will release when the time is out, SOON. So I went and bought t-shirts, cut my denim jacket up, bleached some items, hand- sewed my cap in a very untidy way though lol. Honestly I was looking for hip-hop caps to play with, but at that time I wasn't able to find them so I got baseball old- fashioned and boring plain caps, one grey and the other black. I cut a material that I was given to by a friend, and sewed it onto my jacket and my black cap and I started playing with it. I liked the concept even though it wasn't so neat, and I didn't like the baseball look, it felt like it didn't have much swag, but liked the fact that it looked feminine, well the ones with the rounder shape.
Then last week; to my surprise I saw that baseball caps are coming in fashion, so yaaaay me, my caps do not have to go to waste since its now "cool" lol.  For me the rough dirty looking caps are far sexier than the clean caps.So happy, it is becoming very trendy,get yourself one, fashion forward!!!



 I got a similar one, just need to find it! >>>>>>

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