Thursday 27 March 2014

Phil Allen-When I Became a Man>>> " A man who picked up he gospel, who picked up the gospel"

I for one fall under the category of the people who strongly believe that the cause for so many people mainly men who are abusive, substance abusers, criminals, homosexuals (not to offend anyone) and so on have daddy issues. I say homosexuals because men are raise by their single- mothers and their fathers are not there to show them how to be a man and simply just being there for the well-being of the child, we cannot then expect men to be men without a father- figure to be their guide.The same goes for women who have commitment or trust issues, who are extremely sexually active and disrespect men and simply cannot seem to love a man whole-heartedly because of the example their absent fathers or their fathers are present but absent. I say this from my own experience, I may be wrong for others, but this is what I have seen  with the people that are close to me, and of course not everyone will result in the same a negative way because of their past, others will aim to be better than their life circumstances.

Whatever the case is, do not see yourself as a result of circumstance or becoming the result because of your parent's mistakes and lack of ability of being the borrowed parents on earth God has designated them to be to you. The minute you put your trust on any man;including you earthly parent(s), instead of in God you will be disappointed, because they are human too.

The Solution is JESUS! There is no better Father than your Heavenly Father because He "created your inmost being: He knitted you together in your mother's womb, therefore you are fearfully and wonderfully made" -Psalm 139:13-14. Look upon Him who is the greatest example of all, He is your Father who has no blemish and if you learn from him, just like Phil Allen you will become a true man/ woman, buckled with the Spirit of God ready to overcome your past and determine your future and most of all pick up the gospel!

Stay "SOUL'ful Nista's :-)


  1. Wow. That was quite a display of ignorance. "daddy issues" = homosexuality. groundbreaking. *slow applause*

  2. Let's hear your view:-)
