Tuesday 25 March 2014

"Fill the bathtub halfway then ride it with my TOM FORD, TOM FORRRRD!"

Hehehehehe admit I got you there #smirks.

Who isn't still talking about B's Tom Ford sequin jersey dress? exactly. Here are a few snippets for those Soulo'Nistas who missed the awesomeness of her look for her Mrs. Carter show in Ziggo Dome Amsterdam, last week. Tom Ford 61 Molly!>>>

Oh and by the way Tom Ford designed this jersey dress as a tribute to her one and only Hubby, Mr. Carter, Jigga. That is so romantic, and no not the romance between Jay and B but between Jay and Tom Ford.
At first I didn't understand why is Beyoncé the one wearing this when it is in tribute of Jay, then I remember it is her Mrs. CARTER tour, it has every darn thang to do with Jay-z.

Final touches behind stage before the performance.

Jay-z is such a suck up, so he wrote the Tom Ford song so he could get his own custom-made jersey, well in this case for his wife. No guy has died trying, way to go Jay-z.
Nah I'm just being silly, it's really sweet though.


 She has also recently shown everyone that she is a FLAWLESS biker and that Alexander McQueen is nothing but a thing.Saw this, thanx to Global grind. :-)

Me likey, me likey a loot!

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