Thursday 27 March 2014

Ooops did I say last poem explosion, child I lied!>>> Here's the last one>>>A CRUCIFIXION TYPE LOVE

Ohk I'm done with the poetry explosion lol>>>Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter ...

Phil Allen-When I Became a Man>>> " A man who picked up he gospel, who picked up the gospel"

I for one fall under the category of the people who strongly believe that the cause for so many people mainly men who are abusive, substance abusers, criminals, homosexuals (not to offend anyone) and so on have daddy issues. I say homosexuals because men are raise by their single- mothers and their fathers are not there to show them how to be a man and simply just being there for the well-being of the child, we cannot then expect men to be men without a father- figure to be their guide.The same goes for women who have commitment or trust issues, who are extremely sexually active and disrespect men and simply cannot seem to love a man whole-heartedly because of the example their absent fathers or their fathers are present but absent. I say this from my own experience, I may be wrong for others, but this is what I have seen  with the people that are close to me, and of course not everyone will result in the same a negative way because of their past, others will aim to be better than their life circumstances.

Whatever the case is, do not see yourself as a result of circumstance or becoming the result because of your parent's mistakes and lack of ability of being the borrowed parents on earth God has designated them to be to you. The minute you put your trust on any man;including you earthly parent(s), instead of in God you will be disappointed, because they are human too.

The Solution is JESUS! There is no better Father than your Heavenly Father because He "created your inmost being: He knitted you together in your mother's womb, therefore you are fearfully and wonderfully made" -Psalm 139:13-14. Look upon Him who is the greatest example of all, He is your Father who has no blemish and if you learn from him, just like Phil Allen you will become a true man/ woman, buckled with the Spirit of God ready to overcome your past and determine your future and most of all pick up the gospel!

Stay "SOUL'ful Nista's :-)

Another play-back of p4cm>>> Another one of my favorites.

"As the watchmen waits for the morning, I will wait for you" Lord

One of the scriptures I read this morning was Psalm 130:5-6 which states: I wait for the Lord, my whole being awaits, and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.

The first thing that popped into my mind was this poem which I was so in love with a few years ago.

One of my favorite lines is " we will speak the same language, 1+1+1 actually equals 1 if you
 A(dd)DAM". The depth though. Ladies wait on the Lord and you will see what the Lord will bring to you, the man He has in store for you is so great that you won't even believe it, he will be a man of God and may he find you of your Father's business, so when he finds you He finds God first in you.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

"Fill the bathtub halfway then ride it with my TOM FORD, TOM FORRRRD!"

Hehehehehe admit I got you there #smirks.

Who isn't still talking about B's Tom Ford sequin jersey dress? exactly. Here are a few snippets for those Soulo'Nistas who missed the awesomeness of her look for her Mrs. Carter show in Ziggo Dome Amsterdam, last week. Tom Ford 61 Molly!>>>

Oh and by the way Tom Ford designed this jersey dress as a tribute to her one and only Hubby, Mr. Carter, Jigga. That is so romantic, and no not the romance between Jay and B but between Jay and Tom Ford.
At first I didn't understand why is BeyoncĂ© the one wearing this when it is in tribute of Jay, then I remember it is her Mrs. CARTER tour, it has every darn thang to do with Jay-z.

Final touches behind stage before the performance.

Jay-z is such a suck up, so he wrote the Tom Ford song so he could get his own custom-made jersey, well in this case for his wife. No guy has died trying, way to go Jay-z.
Nah I'm just being silly, it's really sweet though.


 She has also recently shown everyone that she is a FLAWLESS biker and that Alexander McQueen is nothing but a thing.Saw this, thanx to Global grind. :-)

Me likey, me likey a loot!

"If I would be a white girl for a day, I'd be Kloe Kardashian"- My friend :-)

I then asked, uhm ohk why? she replied, she is super tall, super hot, super stylish and has a great attitude. How could I not agree with that, because it is so true!
As she rocked this Alexandra Wang top a few days ago, Hash tag "speechless". She killed it!
My my my clearly divorce issues have nothing on her (even though I believe their love is not over until the fat lady sings:-).Anyway, what a lesson; look good even when life is not going your way, go on girrrrl. White is definitely your color and dark shaded lipstick suits your face.

Am I right or am I right? White looks flawless on Khloe !


Monday 17 March 2014

Tie it UrrrrrP!>>> Style etiquette now selling ties

Can we admit a tie changes everything about a gentleman's look??? Agreed? yes. So Style Etiquette is selling beautiful classy ties at ONLY R100. To order please email me at or give Vaughan Perry or myself a call on 0727012921 or 0772037494. I'll also share it on my Facebook album for style etiquette and on the "Soulo" Facebook page and do please like it.:-) Style etiquette is in the process of merging with Lady Rekopile and greater things (fashion of course) is coming your way, keep an ear and eye out for that. Cheers!



Every man must own an ensemble with navy,this is your chance. Whilst stock last.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Homeless Lottery Winner... This touched my heart,,, Receiving is giving.

This touched me so much, "Yadah foundation" wants to make a difference in people's lives, it may not be $1000 but whatever we can. Please donate (be it old clothes, food, toys, books etc.) to Yadah foundation ( foundation founded by myself and Shumiria Shumba. I desire, I dream, I change. Receiving is giving! Our current project is assisting a shelter in Yeoville Johannesburg- "Mother Theresa". To donate email me on or sms me at 0727012921. Stay blessed mwaahzies.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Trends from 2013 still alive and kicking in 2014!

#1 Tulle skirt or bottom of a dress
 Buckle it up for that rough edge. @ #2 we have buckled cut-out boots.

#3 The Hasidic Jew hat

 #4 Shoulder length blonde bob

#5 Tie your shirt around the waist

# 6 Cat eyes

#7 Black or purple lipstick


#8 White or black nails

#9 bandana