Wednesday 7 January 2015

Beyonce is NOT your Jesus


Ironic how Drake named one of his tracks “Girls love Beyonce” and now Beyonce has become a religion, a god basically. I don’t know about you but this is all getting out of hand, how can the created like you and me be made a god instead of the Creator. So many of us have heard about the new church that a few women who love Beyonce have made a church where they literally worship Beyonce as their god. This is an Atlanta church called the National Church of Bey. The members get together and sing themselves some of Beyonce’s hits. Minister Diva” Pauline John Andrews says Beyonce is divine deity meaning Beyonce will transcend back to the spirit once her work here on Mother Earth has been completed. The church even has a commercial and in May a 23-year old committed suicide for Beyonce. To me she seemed like a sacrifice, the devil needs to stop playing with people’s minds.

Now apparently she will have her own bible and it will be or is already called “Beyble”, when I was telling someone about this they were like that is very ironic because Babel in the Bible is actually a place of confusion, it is called the Tower of Babel. To be honest these ladies are in a state of confusion. I mean what will be written in Beyonce’s bible, I can’t imagine a service “can everyone please turn  their Beybels to Chapter JayZ 1vs 3 and it reads we be all night, verse 2 drunk in love, vs 4 I woke up like this; flawless. To me this does not make sense and it is of great blasphemy.
You see if Beyonce truly loved them she would care about those women’s salvation, and if she loved God more than herself she would have told the world to stop loving her but worship the Savior because she is just human and makes fault like everyone else. I for one will not lie, Beyonce was my favorite celebrity when I was in primary school, I was those girls who collected images of her and tried to be her. My other friends will praise Mary-Kate and Ashleigh and I remember my other friend Jadene adored Avril Lavinge, we were so brainwashed and actually called ourselves celebrity names and desired to be like them. I remember a woman who used to worship Britney spears around 2004 and decided to shave her head like her, there was once an incident of a woman who loved Michael Jackson so much that she decided to have plastic surgery to look just like him. We try be like people who are not even sure about themselves, and probably lack self-esteem issues. Michael Jackson was drugged every night to fall asleep, who knows he probably realized that the world has made him who he is and not who God wants him to be. Beyonce walks around trying too hard to be little miss perfect for the sake of humans instead of living a life for God, I cannot judge who she is but all I know is that with so much influence in the world I would tell the world about Jesus and how to love themselves and be content with themselves. Obsession over celebrities has cost a lot of heartache onto parents, siblings and friend, because people commit suicide like a young girls who committed suicide when Brenda Fassie died.
I have nothing against Beyonce, she is talented, and I like to blog her style and jam to some of her songs but I had to be real. I don't think Beyoncé wanted to be worshipped as a god, and we cannot blame her for people obsessing over her, but it is her duty to shift the obsession from herself to the Man upstairs.Don’t let the media make you, if there is anyone you should strive to be is to be like Jesus who is selfless, kind, loving, obedient and of great need to people, remember the order of life and what true JOY is>>> Jesus .Others. Yourself.This should be the order to living a fulfilling life.


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