Friday 26 September 2014

Unvoluntarily tanned in Durban>>> Memulo & Membeso family tings tings #brothers

Two weeks back I was in my motherland attending my cousin's pre-wedding ceremonies, Umemulo and Umembeso. This was before we left our granny's house headed to where the event was. If you thought we were burnt here, think again we were in an open field in the sun for two hours before we went to the house, and oh boy we were tanned, because we are black, we turned navy. The  snaps however,ended here because my battery died only to find out I forgot the charger in Jozi because I left in such a rush and of course the end result was everyone giving me the sad sigh. That was not going to stop us from having a blast. For once I was actually not doing much in a family event because I'm always the number one target for being sent around, but everything was in order. Bonded hard and enjoyed the food and the traditional dancing, which we concluded jumping and landing with our buttocks was not made for us, yah no those girl are professionals, that was us convincing our uncles why we can't do that.


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