Monday 29 September 2014

Foodie nyana sbarly>>> Home-made cottage pie

It doesn't look good but it tasted good apparently (I don't eat mince), I don't cook all the time when I'm not on holiday. But the helper asks me to show her different African and not so African dishes so I do when I can. So I made cottage pie the other day and sometimes I just don't snap the food but hey. For others a plate without meat is not a meal but for me a plate without a bunch of veggies is not a meal ok lol. Oh and rich food is bad mkaaay, once in awhile put so much cheese on your food.

Dance meets fashion >>> Ashwin from The Vintics

I'm convinced you can be talented in more than one thing, in this case being a great dancer and slaying the cloth in simplicity.

Afritechnisation E-mindset convention '14

I was asked to do the photography for the Afritechnisation convention which took place on the 8th of September so yes this is a very delayed post.I love such initiatives because I promote African empowerment. I was inspired because I absolutely support the drive behind this convention, which aims at simply enhancing or putting in place the study of technology and entrepreneurship in school, basically education. At first I was like oh ok that's cool, the concept is amazing, my only problem when it comes to enhancing technology is that I believe it reduces job creation and ends up being a contradiction to the whole thing and I am an anti-globalization activist. However I have reached the conclusion of its either you join them or you remain backward. Africa does not have much of a choice to "develop" according to western ways because the concept of development has been installed in our heads and our standard and manner of living desires the west way of living, so what is the government left to do other than develop the continent in this manner otherwise poverty and under development shall continue.
On the other hand I fully support the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship in our education system, not just have courses in varsity levels but install the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship in the education system and mentality of primary school students. Entrepreneurship means less job seekers and more job inventors in Africa, therefore the everyday complaint of no jobs can be lessoned and more African- owned companies can be produced, meaning less externally-owned companies in Africa, making money out of us whilst our standard of living remains stagnate. It was very informative, a few high schools around central Johannesburg attended and had great speakers who were mainly founders or executives of certain businesses and organizations and amongst the speakers was our very own minister of Science and Technology; Naledi Pandor.
More on the Afritechnisation on