Wednesday 31 July 2013

BeAuty+ haIr+ simPlicity+fuNk>>>



Yes she was wearing two different types of all stars!! bawwwsay

Thanking these lovely ladies for being amazing and great models to work with, you both to aweessssuuum maan:-)! 

FReedomS KiTchIn>>> Town Hall

Sooooo larrrk this past Sunday we went to Town Hall Sunday chillaz hosted by Freedoms Kitchin, and erbody is stll talking about it!. The first time I heard about this awesum group for catering and events planning was on the show Expresso and Sivuyile was interviewing them. I was so impressed and told myself that I just have to attend one of these session. Then heard the Muffinz are playing at Town Hall, of course I couldn't resist that, only to find out it was hosted by Freedoms Kitchin. Unfortuantely I got there late and most people had already eaten. I saw plates that looked so tempting, mmmm yom yommy. It was a shisa nyama type of dish  and many complimented the food and said it was mouth watering. Next time I have to get my own plate, they said to have a vegetarian plate you call and say before hand,,, ohhhh weelll:-). It was amazing nonetheless. The Muffinz performance was too epic and most of all, the vibe!!! I can definately do that again!

 Thando Thabethe has to be my #1 best dressed, you go gurrrrl:-)

 One of the chefs and organiser
The lovely photographer: Moipone

The Muffinz

The Muffin: Simphiwe

  The Choc chip Mufffin: Skabz