Wednesday 18 April 2012

What art is, to me??? I would like to give a simple yet multi-layered, multi-dimensional answer. To me, art is A.R.T. An acronym standing for "Ability to Retell Truth". A lot of people will argue about how relative "truth" is.Truth, to me is not a lie.It is not something that is unreal. Be it an emotion, a thought, a feeling, a wall, a body of water, a smile etc. Anything that is not real, is not true.  Art is the ability to create and the only Creator is God, therefore art is the measurement of ones artistic inclination. How creative they are.Like a mechanical engineer creates a excavator is an artist.Because he took something created by God, a human hand and translated it to perform another function, which glorifies God and the mastery of His artistic ability.
>>>Unopa Shumba  (prefers to be called a Free Thinker*)
  Take a ride in his mind @

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