Wednesday 18 April 2012

"Art is the ability to express yourself freely, and i express myself through playing, writing and singing music.It helps me relax and draws me closer to God. My feelings, emotions and love for what I believe to be strong, so strong that I draw strength from it, is portrayed through the music I make. With art my life cannot remain the same." >>> Maggie Govender (Guitarist, song writer and singer)
"Art is like fashion, its a statement you put out there about yourself and your personality. Whether or not your making sense with it or not doesn't matter, as long as it makes sense to you, whoever else appreciates it is just a bonus. Poetry is an art, music is an art, fashion is an art and all these things inspire and influence my sense of style, my choice of style and the way I carry myself. I don't believe anything is "in fashion", because who actually told us what is beautiful and why are we listening to them? ...Be true to your own art...>>> Tumi Marapo( Owner of Chess Club Entertainment, Musician of Chess Club, Fashionista)

Photographer: Anthony Bila

"Fashion is wearing your soul on your when you're true to yourself  you become a walking masterpiece." >>> Thubelihle Ngcobo (Stage personality, musician,fashionista)
What art is, to me??? I would like to give a simple yet multi-layered, multi-dimensional answer. To me, art is A.R.T. An acronym standing for "Ability to Retell Truth". A lot of people will argue about how relative "truth" is.Truth, to me is not a lie.It is not something that is unreal. Be it an emotion, a thought, a feeling, a wall, a body of water, a smile etc. Anything that is not real, is not true.  Art is the ability to create and the only Creator is God, therefore art is the measurement of ones artistic inclination. How creative they are.Like a mechanical engineer creates a excavator is an artist.Because he took something created by God, a human hand and translated it to perform another function, which glorifies God and the mastery of His artistic ability.
>>>Unopa Shumba  (prefers to be called a Free Thinker*)
  Take a ride in his mind @

To me fashion and art are the same, both require a creative mind(which we all have), and are used as a platform to communicate something whether it be an emotion or world commentary.With that said, when it comes to my dress sense, for a long time I boxed myself,from afro-centric,to punk,to indie and so on.I dress according to how I feel on that day, I could be inspired by an earring and centre a whole outfit around it,or just the music I've been listening too hahaha. I'm not a v-fancy or picky person when it comes to clothes. >>>Sanele Ncayiyana(Fashionista,part-time blogger and Vega student)
Tune to this awesome blog mates:

"Art is a way to express yourself , a way to share your feelings with someone or something , it is never wrong nor right, its a way to show your identity, an escape route to another world, a way for me to become someone else, someone that can create their own space." >>> Nosipho Maseko (Artist, Vega Graphic & Interior design student)

Tuesday 17 April 2012

"To me art is photography, photography being the ability to capture a moment that might have been lost in the memories of a few. "Reliving, recreating, and inspiring"... are only a few of the endless possibilities that a single picture can bring forth." >>>
Dumani Khuzwayo (Photographer)
Captured moments on his tumblr-

Wednesday 11 April 2012

"My sense dress is inspired by my love for all things beautiful,the pursuit of uniqueness and my mother. I pride myself in being the first to rock a certian look and aim to keep it that way.My style is classy,old school, elegant and chic and thats the way I like. I love mixing the old with the new and adding some sort of craziness, yep im that type of chick who'd wear my shirt back-to-front. Indeed fashion requires a level of insanity. It is vital though that great look shoul to be backed up by brains and a humble character." >>>
 Thando Mdluli (fashionista)

"A good poem is like a good photograph, you should be able to take one look or listen and feel part of  the experience. Every time I pick up a pen, It's an attempt to capture a moment in time, so accurately that you feel like you were there with me.Therefore I believe that in order to be a great speaker, one must first be a good listener. " >>>
Ayanda Jaxe Mokgopa (Poet and MC)
 Follow him on: (

"Art is an expression of ones thoughts, imaginations and inspirations of everyday events,objects and the  people around us,brought out in the different forms of what we call art, my art is design. A garment   from scratch , coming from the most bizarre objects such as fruit or junk to a wonderful occurrence in life (like a flower blooming in the depths of the forest). When I need the creative part of me to come  through, it's like I've  transformed and put myself in my own parallel universe. The same goes for  modelling, when I'm pretending I'm on the runway or actually on the ramp.  These are the love of my life.">>Nosizo Mahlangu (Fashion designer  & model)

Paint your own picture, paint your LIFE


Says it all

Tuesday 10 April 2012

"L I F E is an A R T, and you are the artist." 
In life we wear our own spectacles.We all wear different types of glasses;dimmed,clear, plain,colourful,big or small.The aim is always to see through what is infront of us. The same goes for our lives we wear or determine what WE see and what we want to see. Hence we wear sunglasses, reading glasses, binoculars,saftey glasses,masks and goggles.When wearing these glasses, we see the world differently and with different aspects of life. Art is what we make it to be...