Sunday 17 November 2013

Marie Claire Trunk Show @ Neighbour goods

I'm baccck! lol,, I would love to share the wonderful experience in detail, but its like decades after, it's been hectic and I had slowed down on the blogging, but an eye for beautiful things and beautiful people, NEVER!  It was an amazing event, started off serious, with just viewing all the stalls which I must say had impressive items, from clothing, shoes, make-up, perfumes  to food and jewellary. The evening ended off on a great note, we were dancing and singing so much we didn't want to leave. The dj on the deck was on fire and so was the live band and the performances. Overall people looked dazzling, in their different wear showing their different personalities, oh boy oh boy fashion has no limits, have fun with it :-)) did, love iiittt! hahaha.