Tuesday 20 August 2013

Leather oh leather you will be missed!! buh aint nobody got time for that

The leather wear has been our winter trend, from the leggings, to the pants, the tops and many add a gold chain to it, the jackets with spikes and studs, and my favourite the skirts the long,; short; pleated, straight and so on. Not forgetting the TOUCH of leather to like almost everything, to the arms of sweaters, the elbow patches of jerseys, others on caps and the list goes on. If Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham, Lady Gaga, JLo, Fergie and even the first lady ;Michelle Obama could rock it, surely everyone wanted a leather item. I'm just not ready to let go of it #sighs#. Dear leather, you have been nothing but a great friend to many of us, but my point is AiNt NObody got time for letting go of this trend, how about we mix and match. The spring race is about to begin, let us see if people will let go of leather. My favourite was the leather skirt, and I don't think I'm ready to let go...Waiting in anticipation!

Let us rather give it to KIM for rocking leather the most and simply the hottest


RiRi also kinda rocked it,,, lets give it to her!

Og Gaga, hardly dressed but she still looks funky and haaawt!




PUuurfect sUiT fIt>>>> Denzel Washington for GQ

I only got to watch flight like a few months ago, Denzel was looking old, with some weight, assuming for the role he was playing, BUT still so darn yummmmmmy!! Then all of a sudden he's on the GQ magazine, the hype was insaaaane. Twitter, facebook, blogs, juursst erwhere, and to be honest I can't blame them. He looks so good, like the suit was sown onto him. Hold on now, don't forget the famous walk, imagine his walk in those suits. They nailed it! It is all in the double-breasted trend! and it fits him like no other. Every man needs to own one.